вівторок, 25 жовтня 2022 р.

The most common informal abbreviations

Idk - I don`t know

Idc - I don`t care

BTW- By the way

RN- Right now

GR8 - Great

NP - No problem

W8 - Wait

FYI - For your information

ASAP - As soon as possible

DIY -  Do it yourself

VR- Virtual reality

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

RIP - Rest in peace

Thx -  Thanks

ATM- Automated Teller Machine

2MORO- Tomorrow

2DAY - Today

Tbh - To be honest

Xmas - Chrisrmas

пʼятниця, 21 жовтня 2022 р.

Space exploration


I would like to share my extraordinary lesson, which I have had this week. My goal was to explain challenging topic about space in easier way. We`ve used different interactive platforms - Padlet, Wordwall, Coggle during the lesson. I highly recommend to look through the post and enrich yourself in sphere- space.

Form: 10-D Date: 20.10.2022

Subject: Space exploration

Aims: to develop students` skills in grammar, listening, speaking

Equipment: High Note 3, Audiscript, whiteboard, video, markers


I. Greeting. A report.

II. Warming-up 

1)Warm-up. Quote

One scientist said:
 “There are two questions we have all asked: where did we come from? and are we alone in the universe? If you want to answer those two questions you have to explore space.”

Does the humankind really need answers to these questions?

2) Quiz


3) Speaking

Answer the questions in Padlet 


III.  Brainstorming

start the lesson it is necessary to encode the key word “SPACE”. To do this you should name as many nouns for each letter as you can, which related to space.

S –

P –

A –

C –

E –


IV. Listening  Life of Stephen Hawking


Guess about whom we are going to listen?


Extraordinary scientist. Researcher. Dreamer. Disabled person. Physicist.



Pre-Listening Activity

Match the words.

1.   Extraordinary                        a.available

2.   To suffer from                       b. gestures

3.   To obtain a degree in             c. to study for free

4.   Accessible                              d. to have education

5.   Appearance                            e. unusual

6.   Facial expression                   f. look

7.   To win a scholarship              g. to have a disease  



     Define which statements are true (T) or false (F).

1.   Stephen Hawking studied at both Oxford and Cambridge.

2.   Doctors expected him to live for only two more years after he was diagnosed with ALS.

3.   Stephen Hawking said that he didn`t enjoy life living with ALS.

4.   His goal was to understand the universe.

5.   Many people got to know him better when he published a book.

6.   His book sold 10 million copies and it was translated into 14 different languages.

7.   Stephen was unable to speak so he had a computer programme with a British accent to speak for him.

8.   Stephen was given a free flight into space from Virgin Atlantic.





V. Grammar snack Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Interactive exercise in Wordwall 


 VI.Vocabulary work.

  1)Space verbs

  2) Mind map Space https://coggle.it/diagram/Y01KkBWolSW_4NL6/t/space   

Space verbs

Match the underlined verbs from the sentences to the definitions.

1. It is Patrick’s dream to discover a planet. But not one that is in our Solar System.

2. They are going to launch a rocket this afternoon. I hope we can see it from here.

3. In the future, lots of people may travel into space. But at the moment it’s too expensive.

4. All planets in the Solar System orbit the Sun. It takes Earth 365 days.

5. Many people like to watch the stars. It is a relaxing hobby.

6. Many children would like to explore space. They dream of becoming astronauts.

a. find something, usually for the first time

b. go around a planet or star

c. go on a journey to a place that is far away

d. look at something for a longer time

e. search to learn about something

f. send something into space

VII. Reflection 

1)Answer the questions: 1) What have we learnt recently? 2) How many new words did you remember?  3) What grammar tenses did we practice?

2)H/w: -Do Ex. 5, 6 p. 20(St.b.); - Learn the new words.





четвер, 11 серпня 2022 р.

Crimea is Ukraine


Everyone is keen on travelling and I hope we will have the opportunity in the near future. I`m convinced that Crimea will be a Ukrainian territory. I was inspired to write the post by my journey to Crimea in 2012. The landscapes were splendid, the Black sea was crystal clear there. Let`s learn more about travel vocabulary. I highly recommend to find out about different kinds of trip.

Words Easily Confused

Voyage = a long journey by ship or spacecraft.

Journey = when you travel from one place to another.

Trip = a short journey to a place and back again.

Tour = an organized trip during which you visit different places.

Excursion = a short journey made for a particular purpose.

Travel = the act of taking a journey.

Expedition = a long journey, esp. one made by a group of people with a particular aim.

Flight = a journey in a plane or space vehicle.

Cruise = a holiday on a large ship.


Task 1.

Please use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences. In some cases, more than one word may be correct.

voyage  journey  trip  tour  excursion  travel  expedition  cruise  flight

1.    Our class is going on a(n) … to the zoo tomorrow.

2.    Joan kept a diary of her … through Europe.

3.    Our … to the ocean liner lasted two weeks.

4.    Many explorers have died on … to the Atlantic.

5.    It`s a nine-hour bus … from Melbourne to Sydney.

6.    We went on a Mediterranean … for our honeymoon.

7.    We were given a(n) … of the ancient castle as soon as we arrived.

8.    Our … to Bangkok was delayed so our … to Asia was put off for a day.

Task 2.

Translate the sentences into English using easily confused words.

1.    Коли війна закінчиться, кожен з нас мріє про подорож містами України.

2.    Ми будемо їздити до Криму кожного року, коли ми переможемо.

3.    Авіакомпанія МАУ запустить рейс з Києва до Сімферополя зовсім скоро.

4.    Кожен може придбати одноденний тур в легендарну Чорнобаївку, який відбудеться після перемоги.

5.    Усі українці матимуть можливість скористатись круїзом в Чорному морі.

6.  Українські дослідники щороку здійснюють експедицію на станцію «Академік Вернадський».

7.  Поїздка до Львова – це не просто екскурсія, відрядження, це захоплююча подорож, повна незабутніх вражень.

8.    Леонід Каденюк здійснив подорож на космічному кораблі «Колумбія» у 1997 році.

пʼятниця, 11 лютого 2022 р.

Future Forms

 You can refresh future forms.

Let`s practice a bit.

Fill in the correct future tense - will future, going to or present continuous.
1. They  (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.
2. I hope the weather  (be) nice.
3. I offered him this job. I think he  (take) it.
4. I promise I  (not tell) your secret to anyone.
5. Take your umbrella with you. It  (rain).
6. They  (play) cards this evening.
7. I  (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
8. They  (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.
9. I  (invite) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone  (come).
10. That exercise looks difficult. I  (help) you.
11.  he  (go) to the football match?
12. Are you sure they  (win) the match?
13. She  probably  (stay) till Thursday.
14. He  (not leave) tomorrow.
15. We think he  (come) home late in the night.

Click on the link and you can do some interactive exercises.




понеділок, 7 лютого 2022 р.

Infinitive vs Gerund in songs

 Listen to the music extracts and fill in the gaps using infinitive or gerund.


I`ve attached the rules.

Do an interactive exercise via Wordwall.


Complete the sentences with the correct form: INFINITIVE or GERUND.


1.    Harry suggested (spend)     a few weeks in Greece .

2.    You shouldn't risk (ski)      without wearing a helmet.

3.    Teachers should avoid (shout)   in front of their pupils.

4.    The policeman offered (help)     us find the way.

5.    She always tends (lie)       about things she doesn't like.

6.    He practices (run)               every morning.

7.    He went on (talk)               for ages. He simply wouldn't stop.

8.    Mom seems (be)      very worried. What's wrong.

9.    My uncle invited me (stay)          a week with him.

10. I don't feel like (go)      out today. Could we go tomorrow.

11. Chris has considered  (move)             his company to London.

12. They decided (redecorate)           their baby's room.

13. The two friends enjoyed  (go)                          shopping with me.

14. She stopped the car (see)                     what happened.

середа, 26 січня 2022 р.

Motivation for learning English

First of all you should have motivation for learning English. If you are motivated, you will have defined goals - moving abroad, career growth, for traveling. You can feel yourself free and comfortable in each trip due to ...  English, which is worldwide, international and the most common  in the world.  The knowledge of language - is the opportunity not to feel difficulties and inconvenient moments when you check in the hotel, airport . English is freedom. Freedom of being yourself anywhere in the world, tell a joke, share experience  and emotions, get acquainted, communicate and be in safe, ask a passerby for direction, who also retells where is the most delicious coffee in city. Isn`t the feeling worth of your efforts?

The learning of language is the best fitness for brain and slows down its aging. When we learn foreign language we become self-disciplined. English is your step to a happy Ukrainian future! You should find motivation. Do you agree with it? 

Tоп 10 ресурсів у вивченні англійської

  Мій топ 10 улюблених ресурсів у вивченні англійської 1) Quizlet – це інтерактивний застосунок, який має на меті зацікавити учня засвоюв...