середа, 26 січня 2022 р.

Motivation for learning English

First of all you should have motivation for learning English. If you are motivated, you will have defined goals - moving abroad, career growth, for traveling. You can feel yourself free and comfortable in each trip due to ...  English, which is worldwide, international and the most common  in the world.  The knowledge of language - is the opportunity not to feel difficulties and inconvenient moments when you check in the hotel, airport . English is freedom. Freedom of being yourself anywhere in the world, tell a joke, share experience  and emotions, get acquainted, communicate and be in safe, ask a passerby for direction, who also retells where is the most delicious coffee in city. Isn`t the feeling worth of your efforts?

The learning of language is the best fitness for brain and slows down its aging. When we learn foreign language we become self-disciplined. English is your step to a happy Ukrainian future! You should find motivation. Do you agree with it? 

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