середа, 25 січня 2023 р.



advice(n.) порада – advise (v.) давати пораду 

device(n.) пристрій – devise (v.) придумати

effect (n.) вплив – affect (v.) впливати

lose(v.)втрачати, губити - loose (adj.) вільний

quite(adv.) досить quiet (adj.) тихий

adopt (v.) прийняти, запозичити, усиновляти adapt (v.) адаптуватися, пристосуватися

blackout (n.) відключення світла – black out (v.) знепритомніти

breath (n.) диханняbreathe (v.) дихати

desert (n.) 🏜- dessert 🧁 (n.)

peace (n.) 🕊 - piece 🍰(n.)

sea (n.)  🌊-see 👀(v.)

son (n.)  👶 - sun ️(n.)


Choose the correct word.

1.    I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect/affect.

2.    It's a disease that effect/affects mainly older people.

3.    I think I'd advice/advise him to leave the company.

4.    Can I give you a piece of advice/advise?

5.    You should not use any personal electronic devise/device, such as a cell phone, while driving.

6.    Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise/device a common counter-drug strategy.

7.    We had to adapt/adopt our plans to fit Jack's timetable.

8.    They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adapt/adopt.

9.    Wear comfortable, loose/lose clothing to your exercise class.

10. We loose/lose valuable time stuck in traffic every day.

11. For dessert/desert there's apple pie or fruit.

12. They were lost in the dessert/desert for nine days.

13. The two situations are quite/quiet different.

14. She was as quite/quiet as a mouse.

15.  There are a lot of blackouts/ black out in Ukraine.

16. I blacked out/ blackout right after the accident.


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