пʼятниця, 28 квітня 2023 р.

Made in Ukraine


Useful Vocabulary

Anthem – гімн  

Guelder-rose – калина

Willow tree – верба

Trident – тризуб

Coat of arms – герб

Be proud of  пишатися 

Bravery  мужність

1 | discuss the questions

1.    What images spring to mind when you hear the country Ukraine?

2.    What good qualities do Ukrainians have? What about the bad ones?

3.    What things about Ukraine are you proud of?

4.    What is Ukraine most famous for?

5.    What Ukrainian traditions do you like?

6.    What do you think Ukraine will be like 50 years from now?

7.    If you hadn't been born in Ukraine, what country would you like to live in? Why?

2 | places

1.    Where were you born? What do you like about this place?

2.    Where are you living now? How is it different from your hometown?

3.    What Ukrainian cities have you visited? What did you like about them? Tell me about the best trip. Tell me about the worst trip.

4.    What Ukrainian cities do you want to visit after the war? Why? (You may talk even about the destroyed ones. I believe that we'll renovate them 💪🏻 )

5.    What is the best way to travel around Ukraine? Why?

6.    What are the places in the photos below? (Flip the card to check)

7.    Have you ever visited them? How was it?

8.    If not, would you like to visit them? Why?

3 | sports

1.    Do you watch any sports? How well do Urainians perform?

2.    What sports our country is good at? Can you name some famous sportsmen?

3.    What sports do people generally watch / do in Ukraine?

4.    What could be done to interest young people in sports more?

4| music

1.    What Ukrainian singers do you listen to? What kind of music do they sing?

2.    Have you ever been to the concerts of these singers? Tell about them.

3.    Some of the musicians are really doing their best to protect and support Ukraine now. Whose concert will you attend after the war?

4.    What music festivals are held in Ukraine? Have you visited any of them?

5.    If yes, how was it? If not, which would you like to visit in the future? Why?

6.    Did you watch any singing contests? Why? Why not?

7.    Do you like watching Eurovision? What do you think of Kalush Orchestra's victory this year? What other artists did you like?

8.    Look at all the Ukrainians who took part in Eurovision. Which of the do you like/dislike? Do you remember their performances? What do you think of them?

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